Terms & Conditions:


Smoky Quartz provides Transcription, Remote Minute-Taking, and Writing services to clients. By using our services, you agree to the terms and conditions stated herein.

Quotes & Payment:

Prior to commencement of work, we will provide an estimate of the cost based on the nature and scope of the job. The final invoice will be issued upon job completion and is due for payment within the terms specified on the invoice.


We recognize the importance of confidentiality, especially with high profile clients. All information provided to us is treated with the utmost discretion and is solely used for the purpose of delivering our services.


Smoky Quartz shall not be liable for any indirect, special, incidental, punitive, or consequential damages, including lost profits, arising out of the use of our services.


Upon full payment, the client has exclusive rights to the final product delivered by Smoky Quartz. Until then, all copyrights belong to Smoky Quartz.

Amendments & Cancellation:

If you wish to cancel or make amendments to a job after it has been agreed upon, please notify us as soon as possible. Fees may apply for any work already completed.


This agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of New Zealand.


For any questions regarding these terms and conditions, please email admin@smokyquartz.co.nz
© 2023 Smoky Quartz
© 2023 Smoky Quartz
Last updated on: 3/8/23
Last updated on: 3/8/23